
A Deep CNN Framework for Neural Drive Estimation From HD-EMG Across Contraction Intensities and Joint Angles


1. Introduction

  • 由于幅值抵消和串扰的存在,EMG不能表达神经特征

  • 相比于sEMG,平滑的CST在估计手指力,手指关节参数,手腕关节参数等方面有更高的精度

Compared to amplitude-based surface EMG, the smoothed CST has higher accuracy in estimating isometric finger force [12], [13], finger kinematics [14], [15], and wrist kinematics [16], [17].

  • 使用MU spikes来控制上肢假肢笔传统的基于特征的模式识别或者骨骼肌模型的控制方法更好

  • 在线分解算法通常分为两个步骤:

  1. an offline initialization where a separation matrix of MU filters is calculated based on a long segment of data (>10 s);
  2. an online decomposition where the separation matrix is used to identify spike trains and then updated with the newly identified spike trains


  • 当收缩的强度(n% MVC)增加时,由于小MU存在幅值抵消,识别到的MU会改变
  • 使用CNN和RNN能够估计MUST,但是这些方法严重依赖MUAP的形状,不同MU的MUAP只有很小概率相同,同一个MU的波形也会因肌肉长度的改变而改变

2. Method

(1)Isometric Trapezoidal Contractions With Different Intensities:

  • 10%、30%:5-s ramp-up, a 20-s plateau, and a 5-s ramp-down phase
  • 50%: 5-s ramp-up, a 15-s plateau, and a 5-s ramp-down phase